Project Updates

2021 Major Street Reconstruction - This project entails the complete reconstruction of W. 13th and W. 14th Streets from N. 12th Street to their western ends and Shaw and Paulina Streets from intersection of Auto Street to the eastern ends.  This project is going to cost roughly $2.8 million and in involves all new water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure as well as all new road surfaces and sidewalks.  It is being partially funded by grants with $1 million in CDBG funds and $362,000 in USDA Rural Development funds with the remainder coming from the property tax and water/wastewater revenues.  This project will break ground no later than July 1, 2020 and will be completed by October 2022. 

2021 Minor Street Resurfacing Project - This project entails the pulverize and paving of portions of Autumn Street, Industrial Avenue, Grant Street, 16th Street, and E. Madison Street.  This is road surface with curb & gutter replacements in some areas.  This project is expected to cost approximately $360,000.  The City is receiving approximately $24,446.64 grant funds from the Local Road Improvement Program (for E. Madison St.) and the rest is being funded through TIF #8 and TIF #9.  This project will be completed in the Summer of 2021 with completion by the end of September. 

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