There are two parts that make up the typical residential sewer bill. Let’s look at each part by itself.
Sewer Usage
Sewer usage is billed based on the water usage. Your water meter is read to determine how many thousand gallon increments will be used for billing. In the picture, the meter reading is 9530 and the utility only reads the 9 because you are billed in 1,000 gallon increments. (Note: Your water meter reading does not change to a 10 until the meter rolls over the 10,000 mark.)

Last month’s meter reading was 5. The water usage for this bill would be:
Current reading less prior month’s reading
The 4,000 gallons is billed at $7.25 per 1,000 gallons
Sewer Base Charge
Sewer Base charges are determined by the size of the water service. A typical residential customer has a 5/8 inch or 3/4 inch water service which is $17.00 per month base charge. Larger-sized services for a commercial or industrial customer have higher charges.
Bill Calculation
Sewer Usage |
$29.00 |
Sewer Base |
$17.00 |
Total |
$46.00 |