Public Services

House Checks

We provide this service to homeowners who are away for a period of time. People find this most useful when they are gone over the winter months. We will do visual checks of your house, and if something is found to be unusual, we will perform a physical check to the exterior of the residence to determine if there is a problem. If a problem is found, we will notify the contact person on the house check sheet. These forms can be picked up at the Clintonville Police Department at any time.

Home Security Surveys

The Clintonville Police Department’s Crime Prevention Officer can do a free survey of your home and make recommendations for added security at low costs. This survey covers the interior and exterior of your residence. For this service, you will need to call Clintonville Police Department at 715-823-3117 to schedule a time. This program is available only to City of Clintonville residents.

Vehicle Renewals & Registrations

Clintonville Police can provide certain title, registration and/or registration renewal services for walk-in customers between the hours of 7:00am- 7:00pm Monday through Friday, and 7:00am to 12:00pm on Saturday. Depending upon the transaction, plates or stickers are given to the customer upon completion. The titles are printed and mailed from DMV in Madison. Charges for service fee are $10 for a renewal transaction and $19.50 for a title transaction (in addition to DMV title or registration fees). For further questions call (715) 823-3117.
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