Utility Departments

Our Mission

“To provide reliable and safe electricity, water and wastewater services through courteous and friendly employees.”

The Electric Utility has seen growth and change in its 115 years of existence. Currently it includes 34 miles of overhead electric line and 7 miles of underground electric line within the City limits, 24 miles of overhead line outside of the City and four substations: the Industrial Substation, the Downtown Substation, the East Madison Substation and the Ash Tree Substation. The Utility maintains approximately 800 street lights. In 1984, the City of Clintonville and the City of Shawano joined forces to create a joint action agency, Badger Power Marketing Authority (BPMA) as a result of a study which concluded that the two cities could purchase wholesale power for less cost as a whole than if each entity purchases wholesale power individually. In 2000 Clintonville and Shawano (as members of BPMA) joined Great Lakes Utilities (GLU) to further hold down costs by purchasing power with 11 other communities. 

The Water Utility is currently made up of: one water tower, one water treatment facility, 5 active wells, and 291 fire hydrants, which serve water and public fire protection to approximately 2,000 customers. The water system pumps roughly 450,000 gallons per day. The Water Utility is regulated by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. 

CCR Report
Clintonville Utilities is proud to present our annual water quality report, theConsumer Confidence Report (CCR). The test results come from the DNR and are available July 1st of each year for the previous calendar year. As in past years, we have dedicated ourselves to producing drinking water that meets all state and federal drinking water standards. In this report, you will find: information about the source of your drinking water, results of water quality testing and compliance with water laws. This report is available to everyone and can be viewed by clicking on the link above. If you are interested in finding out more about the water in your own home or business, please click on this link to find the Wisconsin DNR's List of WI Labs Certified for Drinking Water. Please note, the lab may charge a fee to test your water.

Hydrant Flushing
Clintonville Utilities flushes fire hydrants in the Spring and Fall of each year to help remove sediment and other minerals that can settle in water mains.  By frequently exercising fire hydrants, we make sure that the hydrants are working properly both from a water quality perspective as well as a fire fighting perspective. 
The Utility communicates the exact dates of hydrant flushing in the newspaper and on the utility bills. When hydrant flushing is taking place, should you find any discoloration in your water, stop using the water, wait 30-60 minutes, then draw off the discolored water through the cold water for 5 to 10 minutes.  Repeat these steps, if necessary. 

Clintonville Wastewater Utility (CWWU) manages the Clintonville wastewater treatment facility and the wastewater collection system.  The treatment facility is operated to protect the health and welfare of the citizens of Clintonville and surrounding areas as well as preserve the natural environment years to come.  The treatment facility consistently removes 95-100% of permitted pollutants that would otherwise enter the Pigeon River. The facility processes approximately 600,000 gallons of water each day.  It also recycles approximately 1 million gallons of biosolids for agricultural use each year.  The CWWU also maintains 38 miles of sanitary sewer main, 11 lift stations, and a state certified laboratory. CWWU is permitted and regulated by the USEPA and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.


Quick Links

Public Service Commission (PSC) Wesbsite

PSC Service Rules for Electrical Utilities

Diggers Pic 2Diggers Hotline - have property marked to identify dangerous utilities BEFORE you dig

PSC Standards for Water Public Utility Service


To Our Customers

We developed our website to offer you a great place to find information about us and the services we offer. We take pride in our customer service. If you have suggestions or comments on how this website can serve you better, please feel free to contact us.

Utility Board


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