The licensing of bicycles in the city of Clintonville is regulated under municipal ordinance 7.16. A bicycle is defined as a device propelled by the feet acting upon pedals and having wheels, any 2 of which are not less than 14 inches in diameter. No city resident shall ride or use a bicycle with wheels of 20 inches or more upon any public street, highway or alley unless the bicycle is registered and licensed by the city of Clintonville.

It's easy to register your bicycle. You will need to bring your bicycle to the police department. There you will fill out a registration form and pay $10.00. You will then be issued a registration decal to attach to your bike. Only bicycles that are in safe mechanical condition and legally equipped can be registered. The registration is for an indefinite term. Once a bicycle is registered and then sold the owner can transfer the bikes registration into their name. This transfer is free of charge.

Once you have a legally registered bicycle you may operate it in the city of Clintonville. No one shall operate a bicycle on city sidewalks, except a person under 12 years of age may operate bicycles on residential sidewalks only. No one shall operate bicycles on sidewalks in the business or downtown area in the city.

A person under 18 years of age who is committing a violation of the bicycle laws and regulations may be stopped by the police, given a warning and their parents notified. They may also be cited at the discretion of the officer. Persons 18 years of age and older may be warned or cited, again at the discretion of the officer. It is the responsibility of the operators of a bicycle to know and understand all laws and regulations pertaining to the operation of a bicycle in the city.

The information above is only some of the regulation bicyclist needs to follow. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.


No person riding on any play vehicle may attach the same or himself or herself to any vehicle upon a roadway or go upon any roadway except while crossing a roadway at a crosswalk. A Play Vehicle is defined as a coaster, skate board, roller skates, sled toboggan, unicycle or toy vehicle upon which a person may ride. This does not include in-line skates.


Quarantine Requirements for Dogs and Cats That Have Bitten a Person 

Wisconsin state law (Wis. Stats. Sec. 95.21) requires that any dog or cat which bites a person be quarantined for ten days to that it can be observed for signs of rabies. This information explains what such quarantine involves and gives the reasons why these measures must be taken. Note that the information contained herein applies only to dogs and cats that have bitten a person, and that the requirements of the quarantine vary depending on whether the animal is current on its rabies immunizations.

Unvaccinated Dogs and Cats 
If an unvaccinated dog or cat bites a person, an officer will order that animal quarantined for a period of at least 10 days after the bite. The "officer" can be a public health official, a law enforcement officer, a DNR warden, or a humane officer.

Within 24 hours after the quarantine order is issued, the unvaccinated dog or cat must be delivered to an isolation area.

Vaccinated Dogs and Cats

If a vaccinated dog or cat (as shown by a valid rabies certificate) bites a person, an officer will order that animal quarantined for a period of at least 10 days after the bite. The "officer" can be a public health official, a law enforcement officer, a DNR warden or a humane officer.

Vaccinated dogs and cats may be quarantined on the premises of the owner if the animal is kept in an escape proof enclosure or in the home and walked on a leash by a responsible adult. If quarantine cannot be adequately maintained on the premises of the owner, an officer may order a vaccinated dog or cat to be quarantined at an isolation facility.

During the 10-day quarantine a veterinarian must examine the cat or dog on the first day, the last day and one intervening day of the observation period. This is the only time the animal may leave the owner's premises.

If the animal displays signs of illness or a change in behavior, it is crucial that the owner notify the veterinarian immediately.

The quarantine may be released if the veterinarian certifies that the animal has exhibited no signs of rabies during the 10-day quarantine period.

The veterinarian may extend the quarantine if clinical signs warrant. This rarely occurs.

Rabies vaccinations are not to be administered during the observation period.

In the unlikely event that an animal under quarantine does exhibit signs of rabies, state statute requires that the animal is humanely killed and the brain submitted for rabies testing.

The owner of the animal is responsible for all expenses incurred in connection with the quarantine.

Why is the 10-day Quarantine Period Necessary?

Rabies is a fatal viral infection of the central nervous system of warm-blooded animals, including humans. It is usually transmitted through the bite of an animal that has the virus in its saliva, or more rarely by contamination of an open cut or mucous membrane (eyes, nostrils or mouth) with saliva of a rabid animal.

When a healthy dog or cat bites a person, there is a remote possibility that the dog or cat could be in the infectious phase of the disease without showing signs of rabies. (That is, the animal could have the rabies virus in its saliva.) In these rare cases, the animal will develop recognizable signs of rabies in a few days allowing time to treat the bite victim preventively for rabies exposure.

The 10-day quarantine period ensures that the dog or cat remains available so that it can be observed for signs of rabies. If the animal remains well during the 10 days, this indicates it did not have the rabies virus in its saliva at the time of the bite, and therefore the bite victim does not have to receive an expensive and unpleasant series of shots to prevent rabies. This is why it is so important that the dog or cat under quarantine be strictly confined at all times to ensure that it cannot run away or be injured.

The 10-day confinement and observation period for dogs and cats that bite humans has stood the test of time as a way to prevent human rabies. This quarantine period avoids the need to destroy the biting dog or cat in order to test its brain for the rabies virus.

Penalty for Failing to Comply with Quarantine Requirements

State statute (Wis. Stats. Sec. 95.21 (10)(b)) provides for a fine of $100 - $1,000 or 60 days imprisonment or both for failure to comply with a quarantine order.


If you receive a worthless check from someone, you should stop at the Clintonville Police Department and pick up the necessary paperwork.

The recipient of the check must send a dated and signed letter with return receipt to the issuer. A copy of a suggested letter is included in the necessary paperwork.

You must give the check issuer a minimum of five (5) days from the receipt of your certified letter to respond with payment. Also, a worthless check questionnaire must be filled out for each worthless check.

We are not allowed to collect service fees for bad checks. You must provide copies of postage and bank fees to recoup these costs.

After a minimum of five (5) days has past and the necessary paperwork is filled out, you then can turn the check and paperwork in to the Clintonville Police Department to file a complaint.


Stop in the Police Department Lobby or telephone your request. Police reports will not be released until approval by the Chief of Police.

Report Copy Fees: 
Crime Victims - No charge for copy 
1st Page - $1.00 
Additional pages .50 cents 
Accident Reports - $3.00 by mail


No individual between the age of 14 and 17 shall be upon a street, alley or any other public place in the City after 11 P.M. and before 6 A.M. However, the curfew start time is Midnight on Friday and Saturday nights.

No individual under the age of 14 shall be upon any street, alley, or public place between 10 P.M. and 6 A.M.


  1. At any time if the individual is accompanied by his/her parent, legal guardian, or other responsible person who is over the age of 18 and who is approved by the individual's parent or legal guardian. 

  2. At any time, in the event of an emergency which would justify the reasonableness of the individual's presence.

  3. At any time while pursuing the duties of employment. 

  4. Until 12:30 A.M. if the individual is on an errand as directed by the individual's parent or guardian. 

  5. If the individual is coming directly home from a public meeting or place of public entertainment such as a movie, play, school, church, or sporting event. This exception will apply for a ½ hour after the completion of such event, but in no case beyond 12:30 A.M. If the event is not commercial in nature or does not have a fixed public known time at which it will end, the sponsoring organization must register the event with the Police Department, at least 24 hours in advance, informing of the time such event is scheduled to be, the place at which it will be held, the time at which it shall end, and the name of the sponsoring organization. 

  6. If the individual is coming directly home from a private home who has been approved by the individual's parent or legal guardian.

  7. Until the hours of 12:30 A.M. if the individual is on the property of or the sidewalk directly adjacent to the building in which he resides or the buildings immediately adjacent thereto.


Wisconsin is a pedestrian-rights state.

This means drivers must slow down, or stop, if necessary, to avoid hitting or blocking a pedestrian. Motorists must be especially aware of this when turning right at a red light.

At intersections with "walk" and "don't walk" signals, pedestrians may start to cross the street only with the "walk" light. When the "walk" light changes to a flashing "don't walk", pedestrians who have already started to cross may continue, and motorists must yield the right of way.

At intersections with traffic signals, motorists may only turn on a green light when it won't endanger or block a pedestrian who is crossing in the crosswalk on a green or "walk" signal. At an intersection without signals, drivers must yield the right of way to pedestrians who cross the street in marked or unmarked crosswalks.

Blind Pedestrians

Drivers must stop at least 10 feet from a pedestrian carrying a white cane or using a guide dog. Wisconsin Statute 346.24

Crossing at uncontrolled intersection crosswalk.

  1. At an intersection or crosswalk where traffic is not controlled by traffic control signals or by a traffic officer, the operator of a vehicle shall yield right-of-way to a pedestrian, or to a person riding a bicycle in a manner which is consistent with the safe use of the crosswalk by pedestrians, who are crossing the highway within a marked or unmarked crosswalk. 

  2. No pedestrian or bicyclist shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk, run or ride into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is difficult for the operator of the vehicle to yield. 

  3. Whenever any vehicle is stopped at an intersection or crosswalk to permit a pedestrian or bicyclist to cross the roadway, the operator of any other vehicle approaching from the rear shall not overtake and pass the stopped vehicle.

Penalties for violation of this statute can be as much as $300.00 plus court costs and a 4-point assessment against your driving record.


Parking Violation Fees

Time Zone $20.00 Fire Hydrant $20.00
Parked Facing Wrong Way $20.00 2am to 6am $25.00
Blocked Driveway $20.00 Handicap Space $60.00
Illegal Parking $20.00 No Parking Zone $20.00

 Winter Parking Regulations

No person shall park in any public street, alley or highway of the City for a period of more that 30 minutes between the hours of 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. from November 1 to March 31. Violation of this may result in issuance of a $25 parking ticket.


    1. "Open burning" shall mean burning done outside of a building. 
    2. "Recreational fires" and "cooking fires" shall mean open burning for outdoor recreation and/or cooking purposes in an enclosure designed specifically for ember and flame containment, such as rocked in pits, fireplaces, or barbecue grills which use only charcoal, propane gas or dry, untreated and unpainted wood as the burning material, and which satisfy the conditions set forth in subs (4). A Burn Permit is not required. 
    3. "Bonfire" shall mean a large, open fire kindled and maintained to mark a public event, celebration or similar occurrence, which only uses dry, untreated and unpainted wood as the burning material and which satisfies the conditions set forth in subs (3). Arrangements are to be made with the Fire Department.


    No person shall kindle or maintain any open burning or bonfire or authorize the kindling of any open burning or bonfire within the City without first obtaining a permit from the Fire/Police Department as provided in this section. Fire permits shall be issued for a one week period or with special permission issued for a specific premise on a calendar year basis, and each permit shall expire on December 31st, the same year.

  3. CONDITIONS OF PERMITTED OPEN BURNING All open burning or bonfire permits shall be subject to the conditions set forth in this subsection and no person shall kindle or maintain any open burning or bonfire unless such burning complies with each of the following conditions:
    1. HOURS The hours of burning shall be from 8:00 A.M. to Sunset unless otherwise expressly authorized in the fire permit issued by the Fire/Police Department. No burning is allowed on Sundays or Legal Holidays. 
    2. WEATHER CONDITIONS No burning shall be kindled or maintained if the wind velocity is more than 9 m.p.h. as indicated by the National Weather Service for the Clintonville area, or during periods when either the Fire Chief or Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has issued a burning ban. 
    3. SIZE OF PILE The size of the pile of material to be burned shall not exceed 4 feet by 4 feet by 3 feet high. 
    4. LOCATION The location of the open burning shall be approved by the Fire Chief or either: (1) The pile of material being burned shall be at least 50 feet from any structure, wood or lumber pile, wooden fence, trees or bushes, and provisions shall be made to prevent the fire from spreading to within 50 feet of such items: or (2) The fire shall be contained in an approved burner located at least 15 feet from any structure, wood or lumber pile, wooden fence, tree or bush. 
    5. MATERIAL FOR BURNING Fuel for open burning shall consist of dry material only and shall not be ignited with flammable or combustible liquids. Material for open burning may not include rubbish, garbage, trash, any material made of or coated with rubber, plastic, leather or petroleum based materials and may not contain any flammable or combustible liquids. 
    6. SUPERVISION Open burning shall be constantly attended and supervised by a competent person at least 16 years of age until such fire is extinguished. This person shall have readily available for use fire extinguishing tools and water on site before starting the fire.



  1. You need a Burning Permit to burn leaves, brush, grass and other debris in Waupaca County when the ground is not completely snow covered, from January 1 to June 1.

  2. You need a Burning Permit to burn debris in a barrel or outdoor incinerator in Waupaca County whenever the ground is not completely snow covered, from January 1 to June 1.

  3. No debris burning is allowed until after 6:00 P.M. unless your burning permit states otherwise.

  4. Burning permits are free. You may be fined up to $147.50 for burning without the proper permit.

  5. Leaving your fire unattended before it is completely out is a crime and may result in a $500 fine and/or 30 days in jail.

  6. Your outdoor burning is YOUR responsibility! Burning Permits can be obtained at the Clintonville Police Department. Burning Permits are free.


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