Nuisance Calls


The following applies to stray dogs and cats within the city limits. The Clintonville Police Department will attempt to catch any stray cat or dog within the city limits. If the animal is caught it is usually placed in the City Pound. Animals placed in the pound are either put up for adoption or returned to their owners.

Sometimes it takes us a while to get there! When dispatchers prioritize calls stray cats and dogs usually come second. As you can imagine when we receive more calls than we have officers to respond to, you may end up waiting for a while.

This also applies to your animals. If police have to continually pick up your animal, you may be subject to a citation. Animals and poultry are not to run at large. You also may have to pay for a stay at the pound. After 24 hours at the pound you will be charged $20.00 per day for boarding.

CITY ORDINANCE 12.12 - Regulation of Dogs and Cats and Licensing of Dogs


  • LICENSE REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful for any person in the City to own, harbor or keep any dog or cat more than 5 months of age, without licensing the same with the City and affixing a tag to the animal's collar. The owners of dogs and cats must further comply with all requirements contained within Chapter 174 of the Wisconsin Statutes.

  1. LICENSE FEE. The license fee for a dog or cat shall be as follows:
    bullet Unneutered Male Dog or Cat $15.00
    bullet Unspayed Female Dog or Cat $15.00
    bullet Neutered Male Dog or Cat $10.00
    bullet Spayed Female Dog or Cat $10.00
    bullet Duplicate License $5.00 
  • LATE FEES. The Treasurer shall assess and collect a late fee of $15.00 from every owner of a dog or cat 5 months of age or older if the owner failed to obtain a license prior to April 1 of each year or within 30 days of acquiring ownership of a licensable dog or cat or if the owner failed to obtain a license before the dog or cat reached licensable age.   
  • RABIES VACCINATION REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep a dog in the City which is over 5 months of age and has not received a rabies vaccination as required by 95.21(2), Wis. Stats. No dog license shall be issued until a certificate of rabies vaccination issued by a veterinarian has been presented. A rabies vaccination tag shall be attached to the collar of all licensed dogs at all times, except as provided in 11 95.2 1(2)(f), Wis. Stats.

    It shall be unlawful for any person to keep a cat in the City which is over 5 months of age and has not received a rabies vaccination. No cat license shall be issued until a certificate of rabies vaccination issued by a veterinarian has been presented.

  • NUMBER OF DOGS AND CATS PER HOUSEHOLD LIMITED. No person, except a kennel licensee, shall own, harbor or keep more than 3 dogs, and/or 3 cats that are more than 5 months of age except in a place or places where animals are impounded or restrained, as specified in this section. If a total of more than 3 dogs or 3 cats are owned, harbored or kept in or by any one household, the head of the household shall be deemed the person so owning, harboring or keeping such animals, notwithstanding that the dog license or licenses may be issued to other members of the household as owners of such dogs.


The state of Wisconsin defines harassing phone calls as illegal use of telephone. Depending on the content of the harassing phone call the penalty can be as serious as a Class B misdemeanor.

Things you should do if you receive harassing or threatening phone calls:

  1. Write down the date and time immediately. Create a log or record of the phone calls and notes as to the nature of the call.
  2. If you are absolutely positive you know who the caller is note their name in the log.
  3. If you have Caller ID note the number received in the log.
  4. A phone tap will only be implemented after a certain number of calls are received and if all other means are exhausted.


Loud and Unnecessary Noise is prohibited in the city of Clintonville. What this means is no person shall cause any sensible person to be disturbed, annoyed, or otherwise make unnecessary noises.

This includes PA (Public Address) systems, amplifiers, speakers, any noise devices and barking dogs. This also includes construction and machinery noise. With the exception of city employees, between the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM, no person shall operate any loud machinery.

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